Well-Being certificate

WHY WE Care About Well-being

We have asked people all over the world what they want most for the people they love in just one word - and over and over again we hear the same thing - we all want fulfillment and flourishing. Sadly, most people go through their lives thinking that they’ll only have this experience if all their circumstances are perfect OR they happen upon it by trial and error. We know now that there are specific, evidence-based interventions that drastically impact and increase our fulfillment and flourishing - and we want you and everyone that you care about to know what those are and how they can fit your life. We also want to equip you to share them with the communities and spaces that matter most to you.

Multiple cross-cultural and international studies have shown that when well-being education is introduced into public education systems and classrooms, the overall well-being of the students and faculty go up. This increase in well-being also has been shown in multiple studies to increase academic success, decrease anxiety and depression, and increase clarity around life purpose. When well-being initiatives are introduced in workplaces employee satisfaction and engagement goes up and turnover goes down.

The seven facets of well-being are Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Achievement, Mindfulness, and Embodiment. The Lark’s Song Well-Being Certificate is a 32-hour evidence-based training program to increase well-being. This training is delivered in-person over two weekends.

In this four (4) day format, your cohort of participants will engage in 4 eight hour days of live group learning with 2 hours of on-your-own virtual learning before the first live training and 2 hours before the second live training.

Each session is focused on the seven facets of well-being, the research behind them, and the evidence-based interventions to increase each one. Participants that complete the training will understand how to increase well-being in their life, in the lives of others, and how to integrate that learning into their life and work.

Lark’s Song’s assumptions

Lark’s Song’s guiding assumptions state the following:
1. We believe that people are naturally creative, resourceful, relational, and whole.
2. We believe that people are uniquely valuable.
3. We believe that people are worthy of being championed.
4. We believe that people are capable of solving complex problems.
5. We believe that people are ready to live at choice.

These assumptions form HOW we do the work we do together - as partners, deeply committed to exercising a “power with” approach to courageously co-creating with you.

Executive Director, Megan Gilmore, explains the five assumptions that guide everything we do at Lark’s Song in detail.


You can find a full program outline with learning objectives as a PDF here.

At Lark’s Song, we assess well-being based on seven facets that we refer to as PERMA+ME. These seven facets include 1) positive emotion, 2) engagement, 3) relationships, 4) meaning, 5) achievement, 6) mindfulness, and 7) embodiment. Each facet has undergone rigorous research in multiple fields of discipline. We now have not only a solid theoretical understanding of well-being; but also, well researched and effective well-being interventions that when applied to our lives increase human flourishing across the board.

These increases in well-being lead to improved life satisfaction, decreases in depression and anxiety, increases in efficacy and effectiveness in school and work, and so much more.

While adult and child well-being has been increasing overall across the past ten years, there is a huge gap between available well-being services, tools, and resources and accessibility to those resources by the people without the economic stability required to get or maintain connection to these resources. There are also staggering disparities and inequities in the accessibility of well-being services for African American, American Indian, and Latino populations. The injustice of these disparities and the suffering it creates only becomes more and more apparent.

We are strongly and unapologetically focused on providing increased well-being for all! We realize that we cannot do that alone and that the work needs to be done quickly. So we created the Well-Being Certificate as a way to multiply accessibility to well-being resources for your homes, schools, congregations, places of work, and other spaces of belonging.

SPRING 2024 | Cohort 4

Hosted at The Wellife in Canton, OH
April 20-21, 2024 (Sat/Sun) from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM EST
May 18-19, 2024 (Sat/Sun) from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM EST


Pay what you can.

Come as you are.

We know that if we give from a place of abundance, the resources we need to receive will be provided too. We also know that one of the biggest obstacles to our common flourishing is economic disparity and injustice, we are saying, “pay what you can and come as you are.” We all have spaces of abundance and spaces of poverty, and we trust that you will honor the value of this certificate program by bringing what you can to it.

The economic cost of this workshop to us is $600.00 per person, so here is how this works. You use the contact form below to let us know that you’d like to attend or host a Well-Being Certificate cohort. We will contact you personally to assign you to your cohort and invoice you for your contribution.

We, as the facilitators, commit to give what we can afford to give in labor, expertise, presence, and resource. We promise to give these things respectfully and generously, in a manner that supports your fulfillment and flourishing, as we are given the strength and capacity to do so.

And we invite you, as the participants, to give what you can afford to give - a contribution that feels respectful and generous to you. We invite you to give reciprocally in a manner that supports the fulfillment and flourishing of our work.

Suggested levels of financial contribution:

$750 - I am flourishing and want the same for you.

$600 - I am fulfilled and comfortable and want the same for you.

$450 - I am doing okay but don’t know what to expect next.

$300 - I am struggling right now but honoring your work is important to me.

$0-299 - I am requesting a financial scholarship and am dedicated to utilizing my learning in a generous manner for our common flourishing.

SPRING 2024 REquest for Enrollment FORM